Dynamic Learners
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October 2021 - Update

Our Challenge

Our mission is to close the literacy gap for students and communities by providing high-quality personalized diagnostic and intervention learning services.
Consistent with the vision of our co-founders, no student is denied services based on race, religion, or ability to pay. We remove financial barriers through our reading and math literacy scholarship fund.
What our Students and Families are saying...

"Wow, my brother is really learning how to speak, read, and write English working with his learning specialist. He shows my mom what he is learning."

Claudia Ovalle

Donna Curry-Ward

Laura Kovalcik

Sherry Otahal

Karen Gordy

Rita Gatson

Ana Samano

Dr. Wren Bump

Michelle Hix

Rhonda Ponder

Christie Hahn

Kimberly Bryant

Co-founders & Diagnosticians
Dr. Lillian McEnery and Dr. Joan Ickes

Read for the Record books for our learning specialists to read and loan to our students.
Books for the Women Church United Child Care Center, our Language and Vocabulary enhancement Program with

Lindsey Pollock, LMSW, Ed. D.
Director of Program

Monthly Givers of Learner Success
Donors Like You!
Giver of Learner Success
5 reasons to become a monthly giver of learner success
A monthly gift to our scholarship fund is one of the best ways to
help close the literacy gap for students.

Give Now
Dynamic Learners, Inc.
PO Box 3783
Lake Jackson, TX 77566
Dynamic Learners, Inc. a 501(c)(3) nonprofit
Mailing Address:
PO Box 3783
Lake Jackson TX 77566
United States
832-210-7521 - English
979-236-9304 - Spanish
Thank you for your donation!
"I really like my learning specialist and how she helps me understand math concepts. I'm catching up."
"My learning specialist is helping me understand concepts and vocabulary in my school subjects and college test preparation."
"My daughters are improving in reading and writing. Their learning specialist is showing me ways to help my girls practice their reading and writing skills."
Mentoring and training for parents to assist their children's learning.
One-on-one interventions and tailored solutions for the learner's success in school and life.
Proven, professional diagnosticians and certified educators, including bilingual.