Dynamic Learners
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We assess learning needs and tailor proven solutions for
students of all ages.

We can help you or someone you love.

Unlock the
JOY of learning

Serving the Houston-Metro Area In-Person & Online
we specialize in these learning areas
Reading - Writing - Spelling - Math
Attention differences
ASD - High-functioning
Motivation & Confidence
Academic Content gaps
Processing differences
Study Strategies & Skills
What our students and parents are saying...

Fabian and Leo's mother, Maria, tells their story of success
More Success Stories*

High school girl--Math concepts and equation solving strategies
Kay was a high school student struggling in algebra. Our in-depth assessment and analysis of Kay’s results indicated challenges in fundamental mathematical concepts and equation solving strategies. Kay enjoyed working with her learning specialist and she grew in confidence as her scores in algebra improved. Improving in math meant Kay would achieve her career goal of working in the medical field.

First grade bilingual boy--Word attack and comprehension in English and Spanish
Pedro was a quiet, hard-working 1st grader in a bilingual program. He was below grade level in all subjects; however, math was his best subject. Our in-depth diagnostic assessment and analysis of Pedro’s results indicated challenges in word attack and comprehension in English and Spanish. Within months, Pedro was reading on grade level in both languages. He developed a strong rapport with his bilingual learning specialist.

Fourth grade girl -- Phonological dyslexia
Lydia was a bright, curious, and funny 4th grader. She excelled in math, but struggled in reading, writing, and spelling. Our in-depth diagnostic assessment and analysis of Lydia’s results indicated phonological dyslexia. Within a few months, Lydia’s spelling and reading scores improved significantly. Her writing is more successful. At school, Lydia is now a member of the academic and leadership club. Lydia invites her learning specialist to attend her school activities.

Fourth grade boy--Double deficit dyslexia
Ray is a ten-year-old boy with a contagious sense of humor. In first grade, he was diagnosed with ADHD. Our recent in-depth assessment and analysis of Ray's results also identified dyslexia as a learning disability. Ray is engaged with a reading and a math learning specialist. He "loves" working with both of them! He has made significant gains in reading and math continues to be his academic strength. The learning specialists work with his teachers and mentor Ray's mother and grandmother by demonstrating learning methods to utilize with Ray that support his reading and math growth.
*To protect our students’ privacy, we use stock images and pseudonyms.
Professional diagnosticians and certified educators, including bilingual specialists. We have received awards for teaching and research. We participate in professional development including online teaching and learning.

We design and implement tailored solutions based on diagnostic assessment results including cutting-edge brain research and evidence-based learning strategies.
Results show we empower students to build their confidence in learning. We engage students learning strengths and learning passions, all the while targeting needed areas for growth.

We provide mentoring and training to you so that you can bolster your child's learning. We assist parents seeking school support for their children.
We offer flexible scheduling and agreed-upon choice of location, eliminating the need for expensive facilities. We pass the savings onto you.
We provide excellent service with a comprehensive satisfaction guarantee. Including multiple payment options to meet your needs.
Dynamic Learners is committed to improving educational outcomes in our communities. Our services address literacy needs for students struggling academically. We believe students with limited funds should be able to access services that empower their futures. We provide a Sponsor a Student program funded through our need-based Literacy Opportunity Scholarship.
Join us in changing lives.